

I have taught 4 courses at UCLA

Psychology 135: Social Psychology (syllabus)

Psychology 136a: Social Psychology: Experimental Methods)

Psychology 225: Social Cognitive Neuroscience (syllabus)

Psychology 229: Social Cognition (syllabus)


Pictures from Previous Classes I've taught


Here are my course evaluations from classes I've taught at UCLA & Harvard:

Psych 225: Social Cognitive Neuroscience, Winter 2001, UCLA
Student evaluation Mean 8.40 / 9.00 Median 9.0
Psych 135: Intro to Social Psychology, Fall 2001, UCLA
Student evaluation Mean 8.31 / 9.00 Median 9.0
Psych 229: Social Cognition, Spring 2001, UCLA
Student evaluation Mean 8.21 / 9.00 Median 8.0
Psych 135: Intro to Social Psychology, Winter 2001, UCLA
Student evaluation Mean 8.49 / 9.00 Median 9.0
Psych 135: Intro to Social Psychology, Winter 2000, UCLA
Student evaluation Mean 8.29 / 9.00 Median 9.0
Instructor, Summer 1999, Experimental Methods in Social Psychology, UCLA
Student evaluation Mean 8.47 / 9.00 Median 9.0
Instructor, Fall 1998, Social Cognitive Neuroscience, Harvard University.
Student evaluation 4.87 / 5.00
Lab Course in Social Psychology, 1994-1998, Supervised 26 undergraduate research assistants.
Head Teaching Fellow, 1996-1999, Social Psychology, Professor Ellen Langer, Harvard University. Average Student Evalutation 4.67 / 5.00 (over 4 years)
Instructor, 1994-1997, Departmental Tutorial in Psychology, Harvard University. Average Student Evaluation 4.85/ 5.00 (over 3 years)